Cosmetics for Acne and Eczema

Cosmetics for Acne

Acne and Eczema are two of the most common skin ailments for Americans. Whether triggered by contaminants or predisposed through genetics, both conditions can cause embarrassing breakouts that you will want to control or cover up.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that acne and other skin conditions are a teenage affliction only, but many adults deal with breakouts as well. Eczema can affect anyone and it can cause rough patches of red, scaly, and itchy skin.

How can you find cosmetics that will work well for those at increased risk for acne and/or eczema symptoms? Consider our three simple recommendations:

1. Choose Organic Products

One simple fix for your skin could be to switch to organic cosmetics with low levels of skin irritants. A major cause of eczema outbreaks is environmental triggers, from allergens or lack of humidity in the air to chemical irritants in common household products.

Chemical preservatives and other compounds in standard cosmetics could be to blame for breakouts. Those chemicals could actually cause acne or eczema symptoms to flare up. Organic cosmetics include “all-natural” ingredients and could limit exposure to allergens, irritants, and toxins.

2. Select a Treatment

In addition to using cosmetics that cover up the acne or eczema or that may help avoid their symptoms, you will also want to consider products that actually treat the conditions.

For acne, topical treatments include both over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription options. Acne lotions that include benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or sulfur as active ingredients will help clear up oil and bacteria. You will also want to choose products that will cleanse the skin and clear the pores without damaging the skin. Avoid products with alcohol or acids that can dry out or damage the skin. Treatments like isotretinoin (Accutane) should be reserved only for severe skin cysts due to the high risk of severe isotretinoin side effects.

For eczema, consider topical steroids, either over the counter or prescribed by a physician. Cortizone creams, especially prescription-strength products, are highly effective but should be used in moderation to prevent permanent damage or aging of the skin.

3. Consider Mineral Makeup

Makeup powders containing ingredients like titanium dioxide and zinc oxide could help minimize skin breakouts associated with traditional cosmetics. Mineral makeup lacks many of the traditional acne/eczema triggers such as oils, dyes, parabens, and chemical preservatives. Also, zinc oxide has been FDA-approved as a skin protectant ingredient, so the benefits could extend beyond prevention.


The first step to solving long-term issues like acne and eczema is prevention. Reduce allergens and irritants, and many problems will clear up quickly. If that doesn’t solve the problem, choose products that actually treat the skin conditions. As a last resort, select cosmetics that will help to soothe the irritated skin and cover up any breakouts. Acne and eczema are definitely irritating, and sometimes embarrassing, but they can be managed better if you choose the right products and treatments.