The Science of Weight Loss

Weight Loss

What are the benefits of losing 10 pounds?

Most Americans have this goal at one or more points in their life. But we rarely follow through. Here are some stats (courtesy Livestrong & the Dr. Oz Show) which could help you get over the hump:

  • People who successfully lose just ten pounds can reduce the risk of heart attacks by more than 50%
  • Diabetes risk drops by nearly 60% with a ten pound fat loss.
  • Joint pain and cancer risk also diminishes with weight loss.
  • Think of all the stares and compliments you would get if you were noticeably fitter! Positive reinforcement goes a long way.

How do I easily lose weight?

  • Focus on small, discrete changes. Do you drink a 20oz soda every day? That’s worth 240 calories, or an additional two pounds per month. Replacing a sugary mocha or cappuccino can have an even bigger impact.
  • The best way to sustainably lose 10 pounds? Target 10 weeks of 500 calorie daily deficits. It’s going to take some serious self-control, but studies show that it takes about a month to solidify a long-term habit, so you’ll be on your way to creating a life-long healthy lifestyle.

Why do weight loss plateaus happen? How do I reverse this?

  • As you lose weight, your metabolic rate decreases. This is a function of reduced energy required to sustain your body mass and, often, the result of your body adjusting itself to a reduced calorie diet.
  • Build your muscles. Build your metabolism. Muscle cells burn up to twice as many calories as fat cells, which seems like easy math to us.

Isn’t there some juice fast I can do to lose all the weight easily?

  • Don’t do it! Quick fixes almost always lead to quick losses. While members of the LabDoor team are sometimes guilty of passing a wandering eye at an easy solution, we know that it would quickly lead to unproductive work days and short-term, unsustainable results.
  • Header Image: Mason Masteka (Flickr)